

10 Questions with… Dominic Thorburn

At the conclusion of each episode on the US Television show, Inside the Actors Studio, an adapted version of the Proust Questionnaire is posed to the interviewee.

We posed these 10 Questions to Dominic Thorburn, now appearing as Ralph in Our Country’s Good.


1. What is your favourite word?

DT: My favourite word at the moment is ‘Go’. Max Stafford Clark, our Director will make a ridiculous and extreme request, and there’s no argument, he just says ‘Go’. And you have to do it. And the results are always intense and always amazing.

2. What is your least favourite word?

DT: My least favourite word is ‘Arrogance’.

3. What turns you on?

DT: It’s very easy to answer: Food. Always. I sleep better if I know what’s for breakfast.

4. What turns you off?

DT: Self-consciousness.

5. What sound do you love?

DT: Music. Not any specific genre. I’m a very keen music collector.

6. What sound do you hate?

DT: I hate the sound of cutlery rubbed too hard on plates. Like a knife being sawed through a china plate, that drives me absolutely mental.

7. What’s your favourite curse word?

DT: Sh#tballs. You can say it in almost any environment and get away with it because people think it’s funny. The ‘balls’ kind of turns it at the last moment.

8. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

DT: I always wanted to do design. It was always a toss up between acting and design. More sort of Graphic Design; publicity, posters, websites. I think that designers are incredible. For example, people who read a book and then are able to sum it up through one simple image that also sells it. I think that is absolutely fascinating. I’d love to know how that works.

9. What profession would you not like to do?

DT: Oil drilling. People who drill up National Parks and things like that. My parents live in Uganda, and that’s going on at the moment. And this Oil Company has bought half a national park to just drill and extract the oil.

10. If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

DT: I’d like him to say: ‘Just, Thorburn. Only Just.’ And I just manage to sneak in. Which means I had a good time, but I just managed to get away with it.

Our Country’s Good is running at the St James Theatre 4th February till 23rdMarch. Get your tickets online here or from Box Office on 0844 264 2140




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