Duncan Coombe |

Lighting Designer

Lighting Designs includes Ex (Soho Theatre), Saucy Jack and the Space Vixens (Albany Theatre), My Real War 1914-? (Trafalgar Studios and National Tour) and A Woman Abroad (New York). He is also in-house lighting designer for the BFI IMAX. Music videos include Lighting Design/Lighting Director for Inverno by Asteria Strings, and Devil’s Advocate by Faith ‘n’ Fury. Corporate events and fashion shows include BP, Shell, Microsoft, Ford, NASA, World Skills International and London Fashion Week including Nicole Fahri, Lyle and Scott and Paul Smith. He has worked as a lighting designer and production manager in Saudi Arabia for the National Sports Ceremony (2012 & 2013) and several private parties for the Saudi Arabian Royal Family. He has also worked extensively in Lighting Design and engineering for festivals – including Glastonbury Festival’s ‘Theatre Land’ and ‘Performing Arts’ stages, Glade Festival and GreenBelt Festival – and for nightclubs including Lighting Designer/operator for ‘Wonderland’, ‘Elysian Project’, and ‘ALAN’. Duncan is also the director of DCLX Ltd, a lighting production and supplies company based London and he teaches lighting technologies at secondary schools in Kent. www.dclx.co.uk